[st_row id_wrapper=”elm_594ea841ab583″ ][st_column span=”span12″][st_spacer height=”20″ id_wrapper=”spacer_74d9856ef063c4db37ba4fac2fb43d8f” ][/st_spacer][st_text id_wrapper=”text_89529af96a67b99d3b22a161e0cfbeb9″ ]When it comes to creating professional, captivating and persuasive videos for your marketing campaign, what do you think it is that makes the biggest difference? No doubt you will have seen plenty of video advertisements, explainers and introductions in the past. You will have seen marketing messages from all your favorite brands and you will have listened to what they have to say. And probably some of these videos will have seemed more engaging, captivating and persuasive than others. Why is it that some videos impress while others fail to leave an impression? It comes down to a whole lot of factors of course. But one of the most important by far is the graphics. These are the animations and the elements that you won’t necessarily notice right away. It’s things like the video opener, that starts the video with a little pomp and ceremony, usually featuring a logo flying through a 3D space with lots of explosions and music. It’s the bottom thirds: the text animations that pop up when someone new comes on the screen and starts talking. It’s the title cards, that announce each change of topic. It’s the way the logo appeared to be plastered onto the side of the building as the jogger ran past. And it’s the way the details appeared to emerge out from the product in the shot as though it was generating the text itself. If they’re done well, then we don’t necessary notice these details. Instead, they bled into the background and only register on an unconscious level. But they do register. And in doing so, they make the entire production seem that more professional, that much more glossy. And this is what inherently creates trust with that brand. Because the video appears to have high production values, this communicates that the company really knows what they’re doing. It communicates that the business has the resources and the funds to afford high quality video creation. And it tells us that they can likely put the same skill and resources into whatever products or services they provide for us. On top of all that, it even helps us to make the brand more noticeable and more memorable. THIS is what makes the difference between a professional video and a less professional video. This is what makes a brand appear trustworthy and ‘serious’. And this is great news because it means that professional and persuasive video is in reach for everyone. Acquire these materials and up your video game! Why not let Video Studio handle that for you?[/st_text][/st_column][/st_row][st_spacer height=”20″ id_wrapper=”spacer_74d9856ef063c4db37ba4fac2fb43d8f” ][/st_spacer]
The Graphics That Make All the Difference